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What is "Zero Waste"? 

Is there such a thing as "Zero Waste"?  Well, it has many definitions, and it all depends on whom you ask. To some zero wasters, it's all of your trash from the last year in a small mason jar or bringing reusable containers and utensils everywhere you go. To others, it's buying into carbon offset projects to offset their own carbon emissions. There are a million tiny steps in between as well. Each one is a choice, and an example to set for others. 

For us, Zero Waste is the idea of diverting as much waste away from landfills as possible by studying our waste streams and actively finding solutions to the single-use, convenience-heavy society that promotes using something only for a few moments and throwing it into the landfill.


Our society has taught us that single-use is king, and everything else is less than that. But we all know that's not true, right? Easy steps that can be taken by every single person to help reduce their carbon footprint include bringing a few "zero waste essentials" everywhere you go. The 4 main things are:

  1. a reusable water bottle

  2. a set of reusable utensils (including the straw!)

  3. a reusable coffee mug

  4. reusable bag (bonus points if it compresses!)

Many people already have these items in their homes, a tote bag you got from a conference, the water bottle in the back of your cabinet, or the coffee mug you got for your birthday. Carrying these 4 things with you wherever you go, is guaranteed to help stop little bits of waste from entering the waste stream or into our oceans.  

There are so many little swaps that can be done every day that make a huge impact. You may not see that using your old Hydro-Flask or Nalgene is really making an impact, but did you know humans buy about 50 BILLION plastic water bottles per year according to That's CRAZY! 

Need more eco-friendly, zero-waste tips? Follow us on Instagram and see how our Zero Waste Reps are making little swaps every day to help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. 

Circular Economy

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A Circular Economy is a process of bringing together the 5 R's of Sustainability to reduce the number of raw materials that are needed to produce consumer goods and reduce the amount of waste that gets into the landfill. By closing the loop in our consumer-heavy lifestyles, we are creating less of a need to mine for raw materials and using what is already in circulation. Promoting a circular economy helps to change the way we look at waste and move from the single-use lifestyle.  

Let’s Work Together to Reduce Waste! 

Please, We love talking about Trash, Recycling, and Compost! And that's no joke! 

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