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Extra Credit

Looking to upgrade your sustainability practices? Zero waste reaches far beyond plastic and packaging. We often only think of using fewer materials, like plastic, and reusing items we have, but zero waste can also apply to using less water in our homes, getting more energy-efficient cars and appliances, switching from toxic chemicals to natural-based cleaners, or even offsetting your family's carbon footprint for the year. See below for even more ideas. 



Voting is often overlooked as a way to help slow or reverse climate change but is often one of the most beneficial. There are multiple ways to make a difference, including voting out climate deniers, voting for people who want to help the planet, and calling or emailing our elected officials to vote in favor of climate policy. Don't overlook your democratic right to vote!  

Voting with your Wallet

Voting with your wallet is using your hard-earned money to "Vote" for changes you want to see going forward. This can look like choosing companies that are eco-friendly, using plastic-free or zero-waste packaging, carbon offsetters, local and small businesses, choosing natural materials, shopping less, or even boycotting large corporations that add to the problem (like Amazon and Unilever).  

Bank Notes
Green Forest

Carbon Offsetting

You may have heard of companies that are carbon neutral, or that offset their carbon footprint especially when it comes to shipping. But have you heard of personal carbon offsetting? By calculating your carbon footprint for the year and using that number to fund climate-positive projects like planting trees or carbon capture, you are offsetting your own carbon footprint to become carbon neutral. Some companies that offer carbon offsetting to individuals include Native Energy, TerraPass, Sustainable Travel International, My Climate, and Carbon Checkout.

No to Toxic Chemicals

Toxic chemicals found in cleaning supplies, beauty products, pesticides, and even within the plastic itself are harmful to the planet in multiple ways. Turn away from toxic chemicals by switching to plant-based or natural cleaners, or even make your own. Other ways to stay away from toxic chemicals include choosing organic produce and using less plastic to store food due to the potential for leaching, this includes non-stick pots and pans or heating plastic in the microwave.  

Cleaning Products
Interior design


Eco-Minimalism is the idea of only using or keeping the items you need in order to limit the number of new resources being used. By limiting the number of items you need or use, you are also limiting the amount of space you need to store and keep these items. Downsizing houses and limiting storage spaces helps to reduce the amount of energy needed to temperature control or light these spaces, which decreases your overall carbon footprint. 

Water Conservation

Water is a scarce resource on our planet and will only get lower with the increasing number of people on it. Using less water can translate to a wide range of actions including taking shorter showers, switching from grass to drought-tolerant or resistant native plants, eating less meat, saving grey water from warming up showers or boiling pasta, and using the dishwasher instead of handwashing dishes. 

Wind Mills

Renewable Energy 

Using renewable energy is a great way to reduce our own carbon footprint while also diverting away from fossil fuels. While homeowners have a few more options for using renewable energies like adding solar panels to their roofs, renters can buy into renewable energy projects near them to ensure that their energy consumption is being pulled from renewable sources. 

Rethink Transportation

Rethinking transportation is a great way to continue to lower our carbon footprints. There are many ways to make the switch to a more sustainable commute, including walking, biking, taking public transit, switching to Electric Vehicles or more fuel-efficient Hybrid vehicles, or even going fully remote. By doing this, we are also diverging away from our fossil fuel dependence and limiting the toxic smog that often fills our cities. 

Train Station
Organic Vegetables

Eating Less Animal Products

Animal agriculture accounts for over 30% of all carbon being emitted into the atmosphere. While cattle account for the majority of that, other meat products also have a massive effect. Going meatless even one extra meal a week can reduce our water consumption, decrease deforestation, and limit direct carbon emissions. 

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