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Buckets of Buckets

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

This #Feel Good Friday we connected with @philippetheog, a treasured LA institution, to divert a bucket load of buckets from the landfill! The staff at Philippe, the Original, located in Chinatown, proactively work on zero waste goals such as separating Food Waste Organics (via green bin service). Facilities manager, Mark contacted us about the many food service buckets they go through, which despite being sturdy and still useful, cannot be returned to their supplier. These buckets are perfect for food scrap collection & carrying to backyard compost, a green bin or compost collection hub.

Mark and Richard, members of the Martin family, who’ve run Philippe, the Original since 1927, dropped off hundreds of buckets @UWScompany LA yard & @Zerowaste4LA has found several great orgs with whom to share the bounty including @lacompost@angelenosforgreenschools@seelaorg & @lagardencouncil 🙌🫶✌️

Need a nice reusable FREE/GRATIS bucket? We’ll be giving them away at NELA farmer’s markets: @echoparkfm@lariverfm & @atwatervillagefm

Come see us!

Do you know of an environmental organization/endeavor that could use some sturdy 5 gallon vessels with snug fitting lids? Send us a message! Better yet, find an awesome restaurant, or business in your community that can partner with you to create a circular economy! Ask them about reusable buckets, food scraps for your compost and bringing reusable containers for take- out, etc. There are so many ways we can collaborate to make our society more resilient and waste free!

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Feb 23, 2023

Buckets on buckets

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