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Compost How-to Outreach in Chinatown!

Last week, some of our Zero Waste reps visited the Blossom Plaza, a 200+ unit apartment complex in Chinatown, in order to offer zero waste training and advice on best recycling practices to the tenant community and staff.

It was a great experience to interact with staff and residents @blossomplazala, share our visual materials and resources, and answer questions about hazardous materials, e-waste, compost drop-offs, and common recycling slip-ups. We also handed out reusable utensils, reusable produce bags and food scrap buckets to people interested in practicing some zero waste habits!

We offer these free educational tabling events to our UWS customers in order to answer all the questions that people may have about recycling and composting. It is our goal to educate and encourage people to be more conscious of the waste they produce, and learn new zero waste habits.

Let us know if you would like to schedule an education for your multifamily complex or business in NELA!!♻️

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