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National Seed Swap Day

National Seed Swap Day is on January 27th! 🌱

On this week’s #feelgoodfriday we want to remind everyone to exchange your favorite seeds with your community and share your love for gardening with others! 😊

Seed swaps aid in improving biodiversity and provide an opportunity to learn more about other cultures. Begin by adding a variety of plants to your own garden and learn new tips and tricks from fellow gardeners. Growing your own garden can aid in the reduction of CO2 emissions and even cut down on food costs! Try to stick to native or non-hybridized seeds to protect the original DNA of our plant communities. You can learn more from the @seedlibraryofla

Seed swapping has been around for centuries and has been a trading method of currency amongst various communities. This hundred- year old practice can take place at your local seed library, community gardens or even with your next- door neighbor! 🪴🌾

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