Do you ever forget about that bag of veggies in the back of your fridge? Has your cat ever sat in a bowl of spinach making you not want to eat it?(not speaking from experience of course 😅) Are you tired of wearing the same old white t shirts day in and day out?
Well, do WE have the solution for you!! Learn to put those food scraps to good use and make a natural dye out of them! Check out a step by step process below and our instagram for examples😊
I used orange peels, spinach, and strawberry stems. It’s not an exact science but collect those food scraps and show off those colorful new outfits!
For Fruit: 1/4 cup salt, 4 cups water simmer fabric for 1 hour
For Veg: 1 cup vinegar, 4 cup water simmer fabric for 1 hour
Rinse in cold water, wring excess water
Boil water and veg/fruit for 1 hour, amount of food scraps will affect color intensity
Scoop out fruit and veggies scraps
Simmer fabric in dye (make sure it’s still damp from salt/vinegar treatment) for 1 hour
Let sit overnight
Dry fabric in the shade 😎
🥑Avocados: orangish, pinkish
❤️Beets: red/pink (fades easily over time)
🧡Red onion: orange with pink undertones
🧅Yellow onion: orangish yellow
🍋Lemon: yellow
🥗Spinach/grass/green herbs: green of varying shades
💜Red cabbage: purple
🫐Blueberries: purple/blue