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Say Goodbye to Single-use!

This #feelgoodfriday we are feeling GREAT about the City of Los Angeles banning the sale of expanded polystyrene a.k.a #styrofoam 😈 This week, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to ban the sale of styrofoam and other single-use plastics starting in April of 2023! Styrofoam is unable to decompose and ends up in landfills, streets, parks and oceans. Not only is this a sight for sore eyes, dangerous chemicals leach from the styrofoam into the environment impacting plants, animals and people too! Once the ban takes affect, restaurants, bars and other retailers will be offering sustainable alternatives with their food packaging! While this is a step in the right direction, it is most important we #reduce the amount of goods we purchase and instead opt for #reusable options like water bottles and silverware!

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