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Why Eco-dread? Retread instead!

We’re giving a big shout out to one of our customers in South Gate that is winning in the game of repairing and repurposing! Daetweiler Tire Co. retreads tires to be used over and over again and keeps them out of landfills! 🛞

According to a report by the Tire Industry Project for the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 1 billion end-of-life tires are generated every year and there are currently 4 billion such tires in landfills and stockpiles worldwide. 😱

Retreading tires takes 70% fewer emissions than the production of a new tire and reduces carbon emissions by 396,000 tons! They’re also a cheaper alternative, so much so that Daetweiler has saved companies millions of dollars by getting them to switch over to this more sustainable alternative!

What is something that you have repaired or repurposed that you’re proud of? Let us know in the comments!

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1 Comment

Feb 23, 2023

So coool!!!

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